Cutting propagation of Victorian smokebush, Conospermum mitchellii (Proteaceae) – Publication

Abstract of a paper based on work funded at least in part by the Australian Flora Foundation

Perry, F. Trueman, S. J.
School of Botany, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3083, Australia.

South African Journal of Botany. 1999. 65: 243-244
CAB Abstract 990312730

Rooting and death of vegetative tip cuttings of C. mitchellii, taken from softwood, semi-hardwood and hardwood material, were examined using formulations of auxins (IBA and NAA) at three air temperatures (20 deg C/16 deg C, 25 deg C/20 deg C and 28 deg C/23 deg C; day/night). This species was easy to propagate, particularly if softwood material were used or cuttings were treated with an IBA-based formulation. Formulations containing NAA should be avoided as they result in few rooted cuttings and a high incidence of cutting death. Air temperature had no significant impact on rooting under conditions of high relative humidity and rootzone heating.