President’s Report – 1997

President’s Report 1997

Projects were funded for scientific inquiries in remnants of natural vegetation and into propagation of rare or threatened Australian plants.
A new logo and promotional materials were developed.

Our Foundation has a wide brief to foster research into the biology and cultivation of the Australian flora. It gives me pleasure to report the funding of projects concerned with remnants of native vegetation and with rare or threatened plants. As well, I am pleased that our grants are assisting the careers of young people in the plant sciences However, it is best that I let the researchers speak for themselves, in the “Research in Progress” section of this Report.

Last year, we embarked on a survey of trusts, benevolent organizations and philanthropists which might view the Flora Foundation as a worthy recipient of their funds. It became clear that our stationary did not convey the integrity which we possess. I am grateful to Val Williams, Warren Wyllie and Louise Saunders for developing our new image. Nevertheless, we still run on a shoestring, thanks to the voluntary work of our Scientific Research Committee, members of the Board of Directors and other members of the Foundation.

The Foundation has a number of loyal donors. My thanks to them and to many others for their continued support.

Malcolm Reed, President.