President’s Report – 1987


Despite some setbacks this year, we have made some progress towards our objectives. Unfortunately, as a result of funding five research projects over the last two years, our research funds are not particularly healthy. This will necessarily mean a pause in this aspect of our activity. We are considering other ways of promoting our objectives rather than direct funding although this must remain one of our most important goals.
The publications, which you will have received, are an indication of these other directions. It is possible that during the year we will take further steps in this direction. Members have rights within the foundation but they also have obligations to assist the Foundation and it is possible that we will ask some of you to assist in some non-financial way later in the year. The Foundation will only be successful in its objectives if all its members are prepared to take at least a small part in its activities when asked to do so.
As a group we have an interest, often a vested interest, in obtaining money for research into the native Australian Flora. In the present economic climate it is not enough to research, one must also be prepared to explain to those who are likely to provide us with money for that research, what we want to do and why we want to do it. We must persuade them that it is a worthwhile activity. It is also essential that those of us who want things found out about the native flora for various reasons, but cannot do it ourselves, make contact with, and explain our needs to, those that can and are prepared to do it.
It is in these areas that our initiative must be in the year to come and it is in these directions that we may be asking for your help. Our research funds are largely committed and we need to increase them. If you think that the objectives of the Foundation are worthwhile, and if you think that it has been pursuing them in a satisfactory manner, please continue your support. But more than that tell other people about it and encourage them to support us as well. If you have criticisms of the Directors, tell us. We would also like to know if you agree with what we are doing!
At the end of this annual report is a reminder that 1988 subscriptions are now due. Please fill this out and send your contribution as soon as possible.
